5 Best Nootropic Coffees – Drink This Coffee And Get 5x More St Done

Do you expect to be more productive? Do you want to improve your focus and get things done? Are you looking for ways to improve your cognitive function? guess what, you can do all of that. What? just drinking coffee. but not just any coffee, nootropic coffee.

Nootropics are known as “smart drugs” and are becoming more and more popular in coffee, being something like two birds with one stone.

Reading: Best coffee for brain

Are you ready to take your coffee drinking experience and cognitive function to the next level? read on to find out what this coffee really is and how to find the best brand for you. This list may not contain the best tasting coffee brands, but there are some very interesting options to choose from.

the benefits of nootropics

You already know that coffee is good for you. But did you know that drinking coffee can improve your mental state?

I’m not just talking about caffeine. I am referring to having mental clarity, improved memory and the ability to learn and process information faster. we are all constantly trying to be more efficient, optimizing our lives and improving productivity. bulletproof coffee is a popular “cognitive coffee,” but we’re talking about something different here.

perhaps the answer is simply coffee. but not just any coffee. the answer lies in “smart coffee” infused with nootropics.

so what the heck are nootropics and why don’t i know anything about this yet?

Nootropics are drugs. smart drugs (1) that is. these “drugs” are intended to give cognitive benefits to the brain, that is, they help your brain work better. nootropics can best be classified as a supplement (2), because unlike “drugs,” nootropics are safe, protect your brain, and have virtually no negative side effects.

Smart drugs are popular with the entrepreneurial type who needs to be super efficient for 15+ hours every day. But you don’t have to be an entrepreneur to benefit from nootropics.

so coffee is a nootropic?

Technically, yes, since caffeine stimulates the brain. but the coffee we are talking about today goes one step further.

We are starting to see more and more people combine the idea of ​​brain enhancement with the daily delight of coffee. By adding specific compounds to coffee, we get a drink that sharpens the mind, makes us more effective and provides longer-lasting energy instead of a drink that simply helps us wake up.

Are you telling me to get high?

no, I’m just telling you that you can find a coffee that actually makes you smarter, more efficient and more focused. nootropics are completely legal, as is the drug “caffeine”.

In addition to being totally legal, they are practically not addictive. They can also be completely natural, although not all nootropics are. many are man-made chemicals. But just because they’re man-made doesn’t mean they’re bad for you.

or, in case you want to have a coffee and relax and at the same time, these cbd coffee beans can help you with that.

how to choose the right nootropic coffee

Now that you know what nootropics are and why you should try them for yourself, how do you choose the right nootropic-infused coffee?

See also: What Is The Best Smelling Coffee And Why Does It Smell So Good?

There are different options for nootropic-infused coffee: whole bean, ground or even instant, all for different people’s preferences.

Do you prefer to buy whole bean coffee or do you need it ground? what about instant coffee? It may not taste as good, but if you’re just doing it for the brain benefits, it might work for you.

Would you rather brew your own coffee and just add a nootropic-packed soluble powder? if you are very demanding with your coffee, this could be the best option.

If you can answer these questions, it should be pretty easy to decide which coffee to try. There aren’t many options yet for coffee that comes pre-loaded with nootropics, but here’s a list of some of the best.

but first of all, watch steven review nootropic coffees in one of our videos:

top 5 nootropic coffees

here are 5 options for those of you looking to improve your brain performance while just drinking coffee.

kimera koffee is one of the most popular smart coffees. its flagship product is a 12-oz bag of ground coffee (not currently beans) with 725 mg of brain vitamins. The ingredients found in kimera ground coffee are all natural amino acids that are normally found in food, but are difficult to obtain through diet alone. these include alpha gpc, taurine, dmae, and l-theanine.

kimera uses coffee grown in the dominican republic and adds 4 amino acids. What this means is that the caffeine content in Kimera should be relatively similar to the caffeine content of a regular cup of coffee. it is the effect of caffeine that is different.

This coffee will prevent the dreaded “caffeine crash” as the added compounds increase energy and prevent the jitters and heightened anxiety commonly associated with too much caffeine (although that doesn’t mean you can drink 5 cups of this and be careful, moderation is always key).

Is kimera koffee vegan? yes.

I’m sold, where can I buy kimera coffee to improve the brain? you can buy their coffee directly from amazon or you can also get it from their website (3).

Another of kimera’s offerings is their dark roast coffee, which was previously known as their jujimufu blend.

what the hell is jujimufu? it’s their dark roast version of their brain-boosting coffee. This coffee contains the same 4 natural amino acids found in your regular coffee. This coffee is grown in Brazil and comes pre-ground.

This is literally the same coffee with the same benefits, the only difference is the roast level of the coffee. So if you’re a fan of dark roast coffee and hoping to take your brain game to the next level, I think you’ve just found what you’re looking for.

See also: How Many Tablespoons Per Cup of Coffee: A Guide

We’ve all heard of bulletproof coffee before. is more or less the company responsible for making coffee more than just a caffeine boost, but a brain-enhancing beverage with longer-lasting, more sustainable bursts of energy.

While kimera is coffee you make with supplements already in the coffee, bulletproof is more of a recipe. The original recipe for performance-enhancing bulletproof coffee is coffee blended with grass-fed unsalted butter and Brain Octane oil. This concoction is designed to keep you fueled all day long and improve your mental and physical performance.

although in theory you can make your own bulletproof coffee using your own beans along with oil like coconut oil and butter, bulletproof sources and roast your own coffee which is ideal for this recipe and for your health. this coffee is supposedly free of many toxins and harmful substances found in most other coffees, but it does not come with any nootropics.

mushroom coffee? really? yes, it is a thing. and is rapidly growing in popularity.

why? it’s so healthy. The mushrooms we are talking about have wonderful health benefits, such as boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, and balancing stress hormones. On top of that, they can improve memory and naturally improve cognition. so yes, mushrooms are worth consuming. but in the cafe? why not!

four sigmatic takes wild mushrooms and processes them into highly concentrated extracts, which you can then add to coffee. four sigmatic comes in individual instant coffee packets, making it as easy as possible for you. you can even use this coffee to make a chagaccino.

This mushroom coffee made it to our list of the best mushroom coffees we’ve ever had. why not also check out the sigmatic mushroom four coffee tasting review here:

mastermind coffee is a nootropic that mixes organic coffee with yerba mate, a tea that is especially popular in south america. these are the only 2 ingredients, so you are getting an all natural product. yerba mate comes packed with health and cognitive benefits (4).

These benefits include gentle energy boosts without crashes and improved memory, mood and alertness. it is full of vitamins and minerals. Although the tea itself has a moderate amount of caffeine, it is non-addictive (unlike coffee). This blend of coffee and tea is sure to give you the boost you need without the crash commonly experienced when drinking black coffee.

You can buy ground or whole coffee. They also have some other options if you don’t want the combination of coffee and tea.

the verdict

Our top pick for the best nootropic coffee would be kimera coffee. This smart booster coffee combines all natural brain-enhancing substances that are likely to give you the benefits you’re looking for.

Coffee is a wonderful thing and we all know it. it’s inspiring to think of a drink that has been around for centuries and is still evolving.

Who would have thought that drinking coffee could make you smarter? Have you tried any of these nootropic-infused coffees before? What benefits have you experienced with them?

If there are other smart cafes, let us know in the comments.

See also: The Best Local Destinations for Coffee in Woodland Hills


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