Cómo tomar café solo para que te ayude a perder peso

Coffee is the most popular morning beverage consumed worldwide. in fact, the world population drinks more than 160 million bags a year.

although the drink is usually consumed more to boost energy, it can also be healthy and help with weight loss goals.

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“coffee, when consumed in moderation and without too many added sweeteners, can help you lose weight and be beneficial to your overall health,” says ashley shaw, registered dietitian at preg appetit.

Here’s what you should know about coffee and weight loss, and how much you should drink to lose weight.

yes, coffee can help you lose weight

Coffee contains nutrients like niacin, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants, which can improve digestive health, support muscle function, and improve heart health. it also contains caffeine, which boosts metabolism, improves energy, and may promote weight loss.

Here are some of the health and weight loss benefits of this energy drink.

Black coffee is a low-calorie drink. The ability to lose weight is associated with a calorie deficit, that is, when less is consumed than burned. A popular way to help achieve a caloric deficit is to eat fewer calories than you normally take in.

None is an ideal beverage to drink when you’re looking to lose weight, as it contains less than 5 calories per serving (about 236 milliliters). however, this is only the case if you drink it black.

“Although coffee alone is low in calories, it can quickly become high in sugar and fat when different milks and sugars are added to it,” Shaw points out.

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caffeine increases metabolism. Metabolism is the process in which the body breaks down nutrients and uses calories from food throughout the day. Caffeine, a stimulant found in coffee, is one of the few substances that can increase your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), also known as the rate at which you burn calories while resting. although not excessively.

a 2018 study found that participants who drank several measures of coffee over the course of 2 months had higher metabolites, a product of metabolism. a higher or faster metabolism will allow you to burn more calories at rest or during physical activity, which can help with weight loss.

“there is a growing body of research on how coffee consumption is positively associated with bmt, however, it is important to keep in mind that we metabolize food and beverages at different rates. coffee it can increase the metabolic rate of one person, but not another,” says shaw.

Caffeine can decrease feelings of hunger. Appetite is influenced by a variety of factors, including the type of food you come from, levels of physical activity, and hormones. While there isn’t enough research to determine a cause-and-effect relationship for caffeine to reduce appetite, studies have shown that it can reduce levels of ghrelin, the hormone that makes you feel hungry.

a 2014 small study found that participants increased feelings of fullness and reduced their food intake only within 4 weeks of drinking coffee daily based on their ghrelin levels.

“Caffeine also stimulates the satiety hormone peptide yy (pyy). More pyy means you’ll end up fuller and less hungry,” adds Shaw.

although coffee can also be unhealthy and lead to weight gain

coffee has many weight-loss benefits, but there are potential drawbacks, says the dietitian. Here are some of the disadvantages of coffee that you should keep in mind when incorporating it into your diet.

Some coffee drinks contain a lot of calories and sugar. When you drink coffee on a diet, it is best to avoid adding extras to your drink. It can be tempting to wash it down with milk or sugar, but these can make your cup more caloric quickly, says Shaw.

Many popular coffee drinks are already high in calories, including Starbucks mocha frappuccino® and caramel macchiato, which contain 370 and 250 calories, respectively. Consuming more calories than normal not only prevents you from reaching a deficit for weight loss, but leads to weight gain.

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caffeine can affect sleep. Lack of sleep is often linked to increased appetite and hunger, specifically for high-calorie foods.

studies have attributed lack of sleep to an increase in ghrelin, the hormone that regulates feelings of hunger, which can result in increased calorie consumption and weight gain.

“caffeine found in coffee blocks adenosine receptors that cause drowsiness, making you feel more awake. i suggest cutting your intake at least 6-7 hours before bed for quality sleep and hormonal regulation,” shaw advises.

how to drink coffee to lose weight

To get the health benefits of coffee and achieve weight loss, Shaw recommends drinking no more than 4 cups of coffee a day, which is equivalent to 400mg of caffeine. p>

“Four cups of coffee a day gives you the benefits of feeling more awake and better fat metabolism without affecting sleep and hunger too much,” he observes. drinking a cup every 2 hours would be reasonable to feel the lasting effects at each interval, she says.

However,if you like your coffee strong, drink fewer cups so you don’t get more than 400mg of caffeine per day. “Coffee that is identified as ‘strong’ has a higher content of this substance because there is a higher concentration of coffee per serving of water.”

black coffee is better for weight loss, since it does not contain added sugars or fats that can contribute to gaining a few kilos. however, if you enjoy sweet coffee, here are some alternative low-calorie sweeteners to use:

  • fruit-based sweeteners such as erythritol or monk fruit extract
  • plant-based sweeteners such as stevia and yacon syrup
  • sugar alcohols such as xylitol and maltitol
  • If you’re starting with black coffee, it may help to reduce the sweetener pumps until you get used to the bitter taste. if you have a sensitive stomach, it’s best to eat along with your cup, as this acidic drink can cause gastric upset, shaw adds. and too much stress on your digestive system can cause weight gain, she says.

    In general, coffee is an energy drink with numerous health benefits. the few calories and the caffeine content in the drink can be an ally in weight loss.

    However, it’s important to be aware of what and how much you drink. consume beverages that are low in calories by minimizing added sugars and fats. be sure not to consume more than 400mg of caffeine per day, and avoid it several hours before bed.

    alsoremember that it impacts each person differently. the effect it has on you cannot be the effect it has on another. to determine the healthiest weight loss plan for your needs, best consult with a specialist.

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